Using Olsen Gear Scripts
Important Note
1st, Mission-makers, you can always use the UO Framework ACE3 based loadouts system in conjunction with the Olsen Loadout system at the same time!
2nd, if you are using custom scripts that the UO Framework provides options to use we will point you to the docs if you encounter an error related to your custom scripts. You have been warned.
Copying and Modifying Gear.sqf
Copy your gear.sqf
and the accompanying loadouts
folder accompanying it into your mission folder. As long as you include the loadouts you want through the gear script you should be fine.
Your gear.sqf should look like the below code.
#define random(MIN, MAX) \
([MIN, MAX] call UO_FW_FNC_RandomRange)
_temp = "";
#define SET_GROUP(groupName) _temp = #groupName + package;\
call compile format ['%1 = {
#define END_GROUP };', _temp]
#define ADD_GROUP(groupName) call call compile format ["%1", #groupName + package]
switch (_type) do {
#include "loadouts\CustomLoadoutsOne.sqf"
#include "loadouts\CustomLoadoutsTwo.sqf"
#include "loadouts\CustomLoadoutsN.sqf"
Ensure that your main gear file:
- Is titled
- or matches the root gear filename/path specified in
UOFW -> Configure Gear -> NAME OF TEXTBOX HERE
- or matches the root gear filename/path specified in
- Has only macro definitions and a simple switch statement with
as it’s variable.- (See above example.)
- Is located in your mission root folder with
Ex: MissionNameExample.IslandName/gear.sqf
It also must include all the relevant loadouts you want to use within your loadouts
switch (_type) do {
#include "loadouts\CustomLoadoutsOne.sqf"
#include "loadouts\CustomLoadoutsTwo.sqf"
Now, to use your Olsen loadouts, refer to the Gear Module page!