Safe-Start Module

  1. Users
    1. Features
    2. Usage
      1. Start Lowered and Start Unloaded
        1. Start Lowered
        2. Start Unloaded
  2. Advanced Mission-making
    1. Functions
    2. Eventhandlers



The safe start module provides:

  • Start Lowered
    • Start players with their weapons loaded.
  • Start Unloaded
    • Start players without a magazine in their rifle.

Both of these features can be used to prevent negligent discharge etc.


Start Lowered and Start Unloaded

Framework Settings -> Module Settings -> Safe Start Settings

Start Lowered

By checking this box, all players will load into the mission with their guns lowered.

Start Unloaded

This will take any automatically added magazines out of the equipped weapon on a player. This could cause overflow so make sure to test!

Advanced Mission-making


This module may provide functions end-users can call themselves.


This module may provide event-handlers end-users can call themselves.