Marker Control Module

  1. Users
    1. Features
    2. Usage
      1. Using Editor Layers
      2. Using Per-Faction Markers
      3. Using System and Briefing Only Markers
  2. Advanced Mission-making
    1. Functions
    2. Eventhandlers



Here’s what the marker control provides:

  • Support for editor layers
  • Per-faction marker managment
  • Designate briefing only markers
  • System only markers


Enable Marker Control here,

Framework Settings -> Module Settings -> Marker Control Settings

Using Editor Layers

With the UOF Marker Control module, you can use editor layers to better manage what markers are visible and when!

Simply add a layer to the editor in the the left-panel and move the markers of a specific type to that layer.

Next, add this layer to one of the marker control arrays.

Using Per-Faction Markers

Per-faction markers and marker layers can be designated in

--> Marker Control Settings -> FACTION Markers

Using System and Briefing Only Markers

Per-faction markers and marker layers can be designated in

--> Marker Control Settings -> System Markers

--> Marker Control Settings -> FACTION Briefing Markers

Advanced Mission-making


This module may provide functions end-users can call themselves.


This module may provide event-handlers end-users can call themselves.